Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sonic Closed After Cop Says He Found Roach In Food.

Minden LA. -- Imagine enjoying your favorite snack from your favorite restaurant and suddenly, a piece of it starts to move! That's what a Minden police officer says happened to him. The officer says there was a roach in his food.

The Sonic restaurant in Minden voluntarily shut down following his complaint.

Police Officer Danny Turner said he usually eats at the Sonic every day. He also orders the same food. But after what Turner called a disgusting discovery, he's now looking for a new spot to get his fast food fix.

Turner took pictures of his meal shortly after making the discovery, then took the food straight to the manager.

Turner said the general manager told him the restaurant never had a pest problem before, but Turner called the health department just to be sure. According to the violations report, the inspector found roaches on the cook line, among other violations.

Sonic managers voluntarily closed the restaurant one day later while it conducted pest control treatments.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

View The Following Videos With Caution And A Strong Stomach.

Hear at the Dirty Dining Network, our staff is always on the hunt for gross reports and videos showing unsafe food practices. But the videos below shocked or staff to the point where we seriously considered not posting them on our site. While they are shocking, we felt it was important to post them and show the horrible way some idiots prepare our food. So before you take a look, please do so with caution.

The two people in the videos, Kristy Hammonds Thompson, 31 and Michael Setzer, 32 , used to work at the Domino’s Pizza located at 10th Street N.W., Conover, North Carolina. That was before they decided to upload their, videos to youtube. The videos were later taken off of youtube. We were able to acquire them from the website GoodAsYou.

We have no evidence that the food was actually served to customers. Either way, it is disgusting.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ok...We Confess...This May Be A True "Dirty Video".

All Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to do was share her philosophy of life with everyone else on the road. "We're all vegan in my family," the Centennial woman says of herself, her husband and their three kids. "Tofu is a staple, and my car is just a mass of bumperstickers about animal rights and global warming. It displays my philosophy of life." And she thought a vanity license plate proclaiming her love of healthy, animal-free eating would look just perfect in the middle of those messages on her fuel-efficient Suzuki, the smallest car she could find that could still fit three car seats.

So this winter, she filled out the proper forms and submitted her plate request to the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles, which initially accepted it. But not long after, Coffman-Lee got a call from a state bureaucrat informing her that, on second look, the DMV was rejecting "ILVTOFU."

Because it was "possibly offensive to the general public." Because, well, people could get the wrong idea.

"Dirty, dirty DMV," Coffman-Lee says. To her, "ILVTOFU" clearly refers to loving tofu, not loving to fu** you. "I'd never put that on my family vehicle, for sure," she points out.

"Our keen-eyed license-plate reviewers see that saying something else, unfortunately," responds Mark Couch, spokesman for the Colorado Department of Revenue, which oversees the DMV. "That dangling FU on this proposal is what prevented her from getting that plate."

Not surprisingly, PETA has already weighed in on this shocking rejection of not-exactly-free speech (after all, you have to pay for vanity plates). "It's shocking to us that the DMV calls a vegetarian plate offensive," says spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt. "We think the DMV can do a lot of good by reconsidering its decision and allowing people to discover the joy of soy."

But that's not likely to happen, according to Couch. In fact, anything ending with FU won't pass muster with the DMV — and FUC and FUK are also forbidden.

At this point, Coffman-Lee does not plan on going back to the drawing board. "That's really the one I liked," she says. "More people need to start taking responsibility. I feel it's all on the hippie freaks to do the right thing."

Honk if you LVTOFU.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rodent Infestation Closes Target Store.

(April 3, 2009) PIKESVILLE, Md. -- You often hear of restaurants being shut down because of rodent problems, but an entire Target store?

That was the case at the Target store on Reisterstown Road in Pikesville, Md., apparently rodent carcasses and feces were strewn throughout the store. Pet food bags and human food packages were also chewed open.

The Maryland Department of Environmental Protection shut down the store because it was infested with mice and other rodents. Baltimore County officials said the store had a problem at its snack bar in February, but it has since spread to the entire store.

Customers said they tried to shop at the store, but a manager was there all day Thursday to turn them away with no clear reason as to why the store was closed. Some said they were told the store was doing maintenance. One woman said the store told her it was a water main problem.

Jonas Jacobson, of the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management, said his office got an anonymous complaint at the end of March.

"We went out and found a much larger mouse infestation problem through the store," he said.

Jacobson said rodent carcasses and feces were strewn throughout the store. He said pet food bags and human food containers were also chewed open.

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