Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sonic Closed After Cop Says He Found Roach In Food.

Minden LA. -- Imagine enjoying your favorite snack from your favorite restaurant and suddenly, a piece of it starts to move! That's what a Minden police officer says happened to him. The officer says there was a roach in his food.

The Sonic restaurant in Minden voluntarily shut down following his complaint.

Police Officer Danny Turner said he usually eats at the Sonic every day. He also orders the same food. But after what Turner called a disgusting discovery, he's now looking for a new spot to get his fast food fix.

Turner took pictures of his meal shortly after making the discovery, then took the food straight to the manager.

Turner said the general manager told him the restaurant never had a pest problem before, but Turner called the health department just to be sure. According to the violations report, the inspector found roaches on the cook line, among other violations.

Sonic managers voluntarily closed the restaurant one day later while it conducted pest control treatments.

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